Summer is over, and school is back. I hope everyone is starting school on the right foot and staying safe! Ashley began 4th grade, and Jack started two-year-old pre-school.
The Census Data Is In

House District 57 has 66,540 people, which means we have 11.81% more people (roughly 7,029 people). This means the district will get smaller as districts are expected only to have ~59,511 people.
Fulton County increased in size from 2010, which was 920,581 people, to 1,066,710 people.
2020 Population Summary for Current Congressional Districts
2020 Population Summary for Current Senate Districts
2020 Population Summary for Current House Districts
2020 Census Count by City Name
2020 Census Count by City Population
2020 Census Count by County Map
Atlanta Races
Election Day, November 2nd, in our city is rapidly approaching. The Mayor, City Council, Board of Education, and Municipal Court Judges will be on the ballot.

For more information, please go to the Fulton County Board of Election website.
The last day to register is October 4th. Please get registered by going HERE. If you need help or are confused about checking it, please watch this video for step-by-step instructions.
Here’s a list of who is running in District 57; all names are in alphabetical order.
Antonio Brown
Andre Dickens
Kirsten Dunn
Nolan English
Sharon Gay
Mark Hammad
Kenny Hill
Rebecca L. King
Felicia Moore
Kasim Reed
Walter Reeves
Roosevelt Searles III
Richard N Wright
Glenn S. Wrightson
City Council President
Natalyn Mosby Archibong
Courtney English
Sam Manuel
Mike Russell
Doug Shipman
Council Post 1 At-Large Seat
Michael Julian Bond
Alfred “Shivy” Brooks
Brandon Cory Goldberg
Todd A. Gray
Jereme Sharpe
Council Post 2 At-Large Seat
Sonya Russell-Ofschus
Matt Westmoreland
Council 3 At-Large Seat
Jacki Labat
Ralph Long
Jodi Merriday
Kiesha Sean Waites
Sherry B. Williams
City Council District 2
Amir Farokhi
City Council District 4
Rogelio Arcila
Larry B. Carter, II
Jason Dozier
Kim Scott
Deborah “Sister” Williams
Cleta Winslow
City Council District 5
Samuel Bacote
Liliana Bakhtiari
Katrina “Katie” Kissel
Amanda “Mandy” Mahoney
Doug Williams
City Council District 6
Justin A. Critz
Courtney Jenee Dedi
Alex Wan
Kathryn Voelpel
City Council District 10
Andrea L. Boone
Jason Hudgins
City Council District 11
Marci Collier Overstreet
Ron Shakir
City Council District 12
Antonio Lewis
Jenne Shepherd
Joyce Sheperd
School Board District 1
Katie Howard
Wykeisha Howe
School Board District 2
Bethsheba “Queen Sheba” Rem
Aretta Baldon
Keisha Carey
School Board District 3
Michelle Olympiadis
School Board District 5
Ericka Y. Mitchell
Raynard Johnson
School Board District 6
Eshe Collins
Patreece Hutcherson
Board of Education Member District 7 At-Large
Patricia “Granny P” Crayton
Tamara Jones
Royce Carter Mann
Kanesha “KaCey” Venning
Stephen Spring
Board of Education Member District 8 At-Large
Keedar Whittle
Cynthia Briscoe-Brown
Board of Education Member District 9 At-Large
Jason B. Allen
Jason F. Esteves
D’Jaris “DJ” James
COVID Update
Everyone over the age of 12 years old is eligible to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine. Register NOW! You can call 888-457-0186 or go HERE.

HERE is a link if you need to get tested.
Find a Georgia vaccine distributor HERE. To find a list of distributors specific to Fulton County, go HERE.
DPH has a dashboard for case count, HERE, and vaccine distribution in our state can be found HERE.
Large hospital systems that received vaccines are also scheduling appointments. Many large hospitals are vaccinating their patients, including Emory, Wellstar, and Piedmont.
If you have any questions about COVID-19 and the vaccine only (not for scheduling appointments), call 888-357-0169.