Evans E-Bulletin Week Three

This was the third week of the legislative session. Some of the House committees met for the first time this week to adopt their committee rules and I look forward to getting to work in my committees. 

I’m working with fellow democrats and several across the aisle on exciting legislation. I will provide an update on legislation I sponsor and co-sponsor in the coming weeks.

                                                                 State of the State Address 

 The Governor gave his State of the State Address on Thursday of this week which lays out his legislative priorities as well as his budget proposals. You can watch the full address here.


Senator Elena Parent delivered the democratic response to the State of the State Address, click here to watch it.

                                                                                 Take the Survey

Please click here to take a survey so that I can hear directly from you on the legislative session and how well the newsletter is doing at providing updates from the Gold Dome! 

                                             Reminder- Virtual Town Hall on Wednesday 

My first town hall for this session is February 1, 2023 from 7:00-8:30pm. State Senator Sonya Halpern and I will bring you the latest news from the Gold Dome and answer your questions. Please register here for this virtual event. 

                                                                                          Last Call

After a pause for several years because of COVID, the House Page Program is back!


The program is for Georgia’s students between 12 and 18 years of age and older to visit the State Capitol, learn about the legislative process, and help facilitate business on the House floor by relaying messages between legislators and citizens and lobbyists, delivering copies of legislation, and performing other tasks.


This year we will only have 5 slots per representative. If your child would like to apply to serve as a page this Legislation Session, please fill out this form by Friday and email it to my Chief of Staff, Kennedie McClung at [email protected].

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