After a week of winter weather, we were back at the Capitol this week.
State of the Judiciary
On Tuesday, we heard from Chief Justice Michael Boggs of the GA Supreme Court as he delivered the State of the Judiciary. Chief Justice Boggs highlighted the good work that the judicial system is doing, especially in the state’s effort to support veterans, and the rising trust citizens report having in their local judiciaries. He also addressed some of the challenges that continue to face Georgia’s judicial system, including staffing shortages and safety concerns around threats being made to judges and judicial staff.

Honoring Dean Calvin Smyre
Tuesday also marked the unveiling of the official portrait of former Dean of the House Calvin Smyre. Dean Smyre served in the House for 48 years, making him the longest serving member in Georgia’s history. I had the privilege of being “seat mates” with Dean Smyre for a year (meaning I sat next to him on the Floor and he taught me a lot!). He is an amazing leader, mentor, and friend. Georgia will forever be in his debt.

Chinese New Year
The AAPI Legislative Caucus organized a celebration of the Lunar New Year at the Capitol this Wednesday. The House adopted several resolutions honoring AAPI individuals and organizations, including the Chien Hong School of Kung Fu to recognize their performance of a lion dance at the Capitol last year, a tradition they continued this year.
Town Hall
Thank you to everyone who attended our virtual Legislative Town Hall with Sen. Sonya Halpern on Wednesday! We had over 50 people attend. We appreciate all of your thoughtful questions and your commitment to civic engagement. A recap email with a full recording of the town hall will be going out soon.

Mark Your Calendar – Next Legislative Town Hall March 12th
Our next town hall will be taking place on Wednesday, March 12. Sen. Halpern will join us again as we discuss the outcomes of Crossover Day, which is March 6. We will be able to provide a more in-depth look at which pieces of legislation are likely to be passed. Please keep an eye out here and on our social media for the signup link to join us.

Democratic Caucus Press Conference
This Thursday, I joined my colleagues in the Georgia House Democratic Caucus for a press conference to announce our legislative agenda for the Session. Georgia House Democrats are committed to making Georgia the best place to live, to learn, and to earn by fighting for Medicaid expansion, supporting common sense gun safety laws, addressing the state’s maternal mortality crisis by protecting reproductive freedom, and restoring the HOPE scholarship. We invited our Republican colleagues to put aside partisanship to join us in advancing this opportunity agenda that will put Georgians first.
Judicial Appropriations Subcommittee
Just as the State of the Judiciary highlighted the judicial staffing shortage in our state, this week’s Judicial Appropriations Subcommittee hearing emphasized the shortage of prosecutors in our State. Prosecuting attorneys explained the impacts of our outdated formula for allocating Assistant District Attorneys, which has led to outsized case loads. The video linked below shows a portion of our discussion on this issue, including the question I asked on how the Legislature can support changing this formula to be more realistic and provide our prosecutors with the resources they need.
Bills I'm Supporting
This week, I added my name to three bills that were introduced.
HB 76: This bill will require public hearings to be held for local transportation projects. I sponsored this bill in response to feedback from my constituents – reaching out to your elected officials really does make a difference!
HB 59: I am co-sponsoring this bill, which will provide funding for schools to employee one counselor for every 250 students. The current counselor to student ratio is unacceptably high, and we must provide better support for our students to reach their full potential.
HB 130: I am co-sponsoring this bill to provide financial assistance to students in their final year of college. Making education affordable has always been one of my biggest priorities, and I am proud to continue to be a leader in this fight.
I am working on more legislation on the issues of higher education, workers’ rights, reproductive healthcare, and more. Please feel free to reach out to my office to make your voice heard on the issues that are important to you.

Friends Keep Friends Informed
Thank you for staying involved! Now it’s time to bring your friends along with you. You can invite someone to subscribe to this newsletter via our website. You can get in-depth information on current bills, committee meetings, and watch livestreams of session at
Your questions, concerns, and needs are important to me. Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. You can follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more updates. All of my constituents are welcome to visit my office at the Capitol. We encourage you to stop by!
My office is located at:
18 Capitol Square, SW
409-D, Coverdell Legislative Office Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you,