News & Updates

Evans E-Bulletin Week Eleven

This was the eleventh and final full week of session. Next Wednesday, March 29th, will be “Sine Die” aka the last day of the 2023

Evans E-Bulletin Week Ten

This was the tenth week of session. With this being the first week post-crossover, we focused on Senate bills. As expected, we’ve dealt with the

Evans E-Bulletin Week Nine

The ninth week of session was a heavy one. We mourn the loss of State Representaive Tish Naghise. She was a respected member of the

Evans E-Bulletin Week Eight

We have finished the eighth week of session. This last week was very busy, but there is still so much more to do. Monday, March

Evans E-Bulletin Week Seven

This week was the seventh week of session. We passed the largest number of bills yet this week. The weeks will continue to be more

Evans E-Bulletin Week Six

This week was the sixth week of session. We are officially halfway through the 2023 Legislative Session. The pace still feels slower than in prior